How does one successfully plan a building for food production? You’ve already guessed: This isn’t a task for a normal architectural and engineering office …
In the focus: YOUR core process
How does a classic integrated design process work? As our client, you have ideally already formulated your real estate strategy. In an intense first phase we use this to define your operational and process planning. This provides the basis for the masterplan, in which we define the space requirements of your building before determining, together with you, the more expedient, efficient, and economical way of implementing your strategy: densifying your existing facility or starting a new building project. Then the real planning work begins with the integrated preliminary project.
ATP architects engineers essentially begins its planning work as soon as foodfab has studied in detail, understood, and communicated the core process that should take place in your building. We then work together to find the solution that generates the most added value for you and your vision. In the design studio, a digital twin is now created, which is able to provide information very early and in every project phase. This method demands that the machinery and process technology experts communicate perfectly and work together with all specialist engineers in an interdisciplinary manner. Because a project is good when it achieves its objectives. Overall results rather than isolated achievements.
Ein paar Jahre zuvor wollte das Unternehmen Bonafarm selbst in den Markt der Geflügelindustrie einsteigen. Durch die Übernahme der Firma Hungerit ist der Zugang zum Geflügelabsatz nun gewährleistet.
Mit der Masterplanung für einen neuen Geflügelschlachthof und Cut-up-Bereich mit einer Leistung von 15.000 Tieren/Stunde kann somit der heutige in die Jahre gekommene Bestandsbetrieb zukünftig einer anderen Nutzung zugeführt werden. Mit dem Neubau kann nun ein hocheffizienter, nach dem letzten Stand der Technik auf die Zukunft ausgerichteter Betrieb dann seiner Bestimmung übergeben werden.
Our clients are delighted when they get a spatial impression of their project during a very early planning phase. Through, for example, virtual reality glasses. The visualization that is permanently available due to BIM allows the design concept to be experienced. Virtual tours of the future production facility, with all its machinery, make planning decisions much easier.
In other words, the BIM model is also a central database for you. BIM offers certainty due to its detailed component and room information, which enables highly accurate cost estimates to be provided at a very early stage. The same is true of the consequences of desired changes. These can be visualized in the digital building model and transparently reveal every impact of a change. This offers the often requested flexibility because, for example, machinery and the related layouts can be precisely positioned in the building model, which means that the resulting spatial and media requirements are plannable in advance.
And finally, our most important insight is that design quality benefits enormously if planning collisions can be recognized and avoided in time.